Edinburgh Castle







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Yesterday I visited the Royal Mile and Edinburgh Castle.  In the castle I saw huge cannons that were more than 500 years old.  I learned about kings and queens from 1,000 years ago!  All the streets are cobblestone.  It is very neat!

I saw the Crown Jewels.  The Crown Jewels room was a big safe with lots of locks and security.  Inside the room they had the velvet crown with pearls and jewels.  I also saw other sparkly jewelry.

I “learned” that MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS GOT HER HEAD CHOPPED OFF! She was crowned queen at 9 MONTHS old! She was also a very naughty queen so they sent her away to be raised. But when she got there she was locked in prison for trying to kill the queen! There they got so mad at her they just chopped off her head! No more problems with Mary😉!



The Highland Games

Yesterday we drove to Blair Castle to watch the Highland games.  (My daddy’s name is Blair so that made this castle extra cool .)

We watched a whole band of bagpipers march into the ceremony.  It was loud but amazing!!!  This is a picture of the band.



Then I watched a tug-of-war. The tug-of-war was the band against the Highlanders.   The Highlanders are the real athletes and the band was trying their best.  It was sort of a joke but they took it very seriously until the band lost superfast. (In about 3.5 seconds)






The band, the officers and the Highlanders all had a really race in their kilts too.  A guy from the band fell down and his kilt flipped up. He wasn’t wearing any underpants and everyone saw his rear end!   He stood up and kept running!   The Highlanders, once again won.



This is the most amazing thing I have seen in Scotland so far.   There was also a caber toss.  A really strong man in a kilt tries to flip a telephone pole end over end in the caber toss.




Arrived in Aberfeldy!

We arrived in Aberfeldy.  We are staying with the MacIntyre family.  They have six year old twins named Nell and Campbell.  We had tea (they call kid dinnertime tea here) and then we went upstairs and played.  We put on a talent show for the parents.  So much fun!

We are staying in their house in the country.  Their regular house is in Edinburgh.


Greetings from the FUTURE!

We just arrived at the Amsterdam airport after a 9 hour plane flight.  Instead of being 11:00 pm in Portland on Friday I am in Amsterdam at 8:00am on Saturday!  The flight was easy and didn’t seem long.  I slept the most out of my whole family!

At the Airport!

The Adventure BEGINS!   I finally get to use my passport! I’ve got a movie and a blanket I’m ready for a 10 hour flight.  I’ve got a movie and a blanket I’m ready for a 10 hour flight.   Next update – Amsterdam.
